Leading scientists from 12 countries will participate in the International Scientific Forum “Black Sea Neurogenesis”, scheduled for 1st-3rd June 2023 at Albena Resort near Varna. This significant neuroscience event is organized by the Medical University–Varna with the support of the TRANSTEM project of the European Commission and the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. The scientific organizer of the forum is Prof. Dr. Anton Tonchev, neurobiologist and Director of the Research Institute at Medical University-Varna. Dr. Manlio Vinciguerra, the leader of an international team of scientists from the European Research Area (ERA) of the TRANSTEM project, will also participate in the forum.
The programme is divided into three main sections focused on developmental neurogenesis, adult neurogenesis, and neural stem cells and glioblastoma. Among the scientists who will discuss the new developments in the field of neurogenesis and stem cells, besides the established names from Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France, Austria, Sweden, Italy, the UK, Greece, and Bulgaria, the scientific symposium will also invite lecturers from Japan and the USA.
The Forum is open (no participation fee required) for PhD, postdoctoral and undergraduate students. Detailed information on the event and the lecturers is available here http://www.blacksea-neuro.org/ Neurogenesis is the process of forming neurons (nerve cells) from stem/progenitor cells. This phenomenon provokes interest amongst scientists from all over the world, and it is the focus of a huge number of scientific experiments since it is a key aspect for basic processes in the human brain such as memory, learning, stress, and evolution in general.