A technology transfer expert, Dr. DJ Nag, visited the Medical University – Varna and gave a lecture on “Intellectual property and technology transfer in medicine and pharmacy”. He is a consultant on technology transfer for several universities and has extensive international experience. Dr. Nag is visiting at the invitation of the Research Institute in MU-Varna and with the support of the Transtem ERA Chair project of the European Commission. He was welcomed by the Vice Rector for Scientific Activities Prof. Dr. Violeta Yotova and by the Director of the Research Institute Prof. Dr. Anton Tonchev.
During his meeting with MU-Varna researchers, scientists, teachers, PhD students and post-graduate students who are making discoveries as a result of their research and development activities, Dr Nag answered many questions regarding intellectual property, rights of origin, protection, and patenting of inventions.
The topic attracted many interested researchers and scientists from all faculties of Medical University – Varna.